Monday, December 21, 2009

Big Boys at Play

Here are some shots of Buddy and I working on putting some Johnny West figures together- great fun!

1 comment:

  1. I just hope you guys got along and didn't fight.

    Marten, I picked up your card at Texas Roadhouse in Snellville GA. I don't know if you put the card there or one of your fans did.

    I'm an artist, so I was immediately interested in seeing your art.

    I used to read Cracked! like crazy back in the mid-seventies. I'm not sure if I started with the Jaws issue or not, but I'm pretty sure I had that issue. Some of the movies I hadn't seen because I was too young, I could get an idea about from Cracked!...and I remember Cracked! had the exclamation point after the name back then. I liked Mad Magazine sometimes also, but I didn't "get" all the humor, and I got most of it in Cracked! I have a corny sense of humor, and people either love me or get confused by that.

    Well, I just wanted to say hi, and I'll keep looking around for your art samples. If you would like to mail me some of your business cards, I'm sure my clients would enjoy it - I can include them when I mail my portraits. Most of my orders come from online and are sent all over the country, and sometimes internationally if the exchange rate works in my favor. LOL!
