Monday, October 12, 2009


Here's a seldom seen poster from Don Martin that was produced in 1975. Free Fare were a music group and this appears to be some sort of music festival. This particular poster is hanging in my studio and as I was taking this picture my daughter trying to be sly (and succeeding at that !) attempted to sneak a STAR WARS Storm trooper into the picture - you can barely see his fist in the far right : )


  1. Great poster. I remember Freedom Jam. It was an "Up With People" - type group that toured high schools and town events during the Bicentennial era, singing new and cover tunes about freedom and America. I saw them at school in Milford, Massachusetts and had that same poster in my bedroom for a while. They may have even been the first rock band I ever saw.

  2. Hello, I played in Freedom Jam (89-91) The president of the company, Young American Showcase, that put these bands together is writing a book and I would love to buy it so he could use it in the book. (I already purchased a Free Fare version) You can message me here or call/text 615.479.1984 Thanks!
